Algae Control


What is it?

When properly dosed, Algae Control is a safe and effective way of ridding your pond of string algae. As Algae Stop is essentially a weed killer, there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind when dosing your pond.
  1. First, it’s extremely important to know the size of your pond. For help in calculating how many gallons your pond has, see our Pond Volume Calculator. Overdosing can lead to harming your fish, or even have fatal results.
  2. Second, decaying dead algae will consume oxygen. Be sure that your pond has plenty of oxygen by keeping all waterfalls going, and air stones if you have them. Check out our aeration bundles to help keep your pond well oxygenated. You will want to remove as much algae by hand to lessen the consumption of oxygen once the algae begins to die off.

Why do I need it?

While UV lights are effective at removing algae from the water column, they have no effect on the algae that’s attached to the wall of the pond. While this usually doesn’t present a problem, issues can arise with long string algae, which is the common term for filamentous algae. String algae often clumps and tangles together to form thick blanket-like mats. It can lead to clogging your filters, skimmer baskets, and pump baskets.

How much do I need?

Use 1 oz (max) of Algae Stop per 600 gallons. For example, if you have a 10,000 gallon pond, one treatment would be 16.6oz. A single, one gallon container would last about 8 full treatments. A more conservative dose for you pond would be 1 oz for every 1,000 gallons. This will still remove the algae from your pond but may take longer. However, this lighter dose will be much less stressful on you koi. If your string algae problem is particularly bad, treat your pond with one full dose, followed by a second full dose one week later. Usually two treatments will rid the pond of string algae. Then consider dosing your pond every two weeks with half the normal dose, as a maintenance dose. Algae Stop can be stressful to koi, so please do not dose more than once per week.

Need a UV light instead?

Ultraviolet lights are designed to kill any algae floating in the water. Use a UV light to safely kill algae on a constant basis, helping your pond stay as clear as possible.
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