What size tank do I need?

The Advantage Life Support System is designed to provide sufficient oxygen to comfortably maintain your koi in the event of a power outage or pump failure. Selecting the proper size oxygen tank for your particular situation is based on two factors.

1. The oxygen flow rate needed to maintain the fish load in your pond.

Typically, a single small Advantage Micro Bubble Diffuser operating at 1 liter per minute will maintain the oxygen level at or near the saturation point in a well-stocked koi pond of up to 10,000 gallons. Larger ponds may require an additional diffuser.

2. How much time do you think you will need to correct a problem if it arises?

This can vary depending on your situation. If you travel a lot, you may need to locate someone remotely for assistance. If your area is prone to losing power for an extended period, it’s better to have more time than not enough.

The Advantage Oxygen Generator is set up with two options for connecting your oxygen tank.

Option 1 – If you connect your oxygen tank to “Input A”, in the event of a power outage, the system will continue to feed oxygen to the #1 flow meter only. It will automatically shut off the flow of oxygen to any other devices. This will allow you to conserve the oxygen in the tank, thereby extending the length of time your koi are being oxygenated. (Example: If you are using the AO system, there is no reason to continue to send oxygen to it when the water flow has stopped.)

Option 2 – If you connect your oxygen tank to “Input B”, in the event of a power outage, the Life Support System will continue to feed oxygen to all three flow meter outlets. If you have any devices receiving oxygen from #2 and #3 flow meters, be aware that the length of time your koi will receive oxygen will be reduced.

Recommended Oxygen Tank Size

  • If your situation requires two liters per minute, cut the flow time in half.
  • You can purchase an oxygen tank from your local welding shop.