Estimated reading time: 1 min

What is the dissolved oxygen level in your pond?     

Don’t assume the dissolved oxygen level in your pond is at the saturation point. The saturation point is the maximum level of dissolved oxygen possible in your pond when using air alone. We found that many ponds, if not most, are well below the saturation point. That means that if you have a big fish load or on occasion the pond water temperature gets very warm, your dissolved oxygen could become critical without you even knowing it.

Low oxygen levels will have the following effects on koi:

– Less than 3 mg/l (milligrams per liter) koi will die.

– 3 to 4 mg/l will cause koi to start gasping for air or huddling around the waterfall.

– 4 to 5 mg/l can be tolerated for a short period of time but can be stressful.

– 5 to 7 mg/l koi become comfortable and can maintain a healthy life.

Above 7 mg/l koi flourish.

Where does your pond fall on this chart?

Knowing the dissolved oxygen level in your pond throughout the year can be a real benefit.

We tested a number of dissolved oxygen meters and found the Sper Scientific model 860055 to be an exceptional value. It is more than accurate enough for testing pond oxygen levels and is simple to use. It comes with a one year Warrantee along with 3 replacement probe covers and the electrolyte liquid to fill the probe cover with.

Note: If you purchase the meter through us you will also be eligible for a $50.00 rebate on the meter if you decide to purchase the Advantage O2 System within 60 days of purchasing the meter.

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